Custom Audiences Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

Why Email Activation is A Must-Have in Your Marketing Arsenal

Why Email Activation is A Must-Have in Your Marketing Arsenal

In today’s digital age, with countless marketing channels vying for attention, few tools wield the enduring power and versatility of email marketing. As a cornerstone of successful marketing strategies, email marketing offers a multitude of benefits that can propel businesses to new heights of success. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of email marketing, highlighting its myriad benefits and providing insights into how marketers can harness its full potential.

The Benefits of Harnessing Email Marketing

Email marketing has stood the test of time as a trusted and reliable channel for engaging with customers and driving business growth. Its unparalleled reach and accessibility make it an indispensable tool for marketers looking to connect with their audience on a personal level. With email, marketers can deliver tailored messages directly to their audience’s inbox, fostering meaningful interactions and building lasting relationships. Additionally, email marketing offers a high return on investment (ROI), making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

One of the key benefits of email marketing lies in its ability to provide marketers with actionable insights into campaign performance. Marketers can track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more, allowing for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement of strategies. By analyzing these metrics, marketers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns, identify areas for optimization, and refine their approach over time.

Moreover, email marketing offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options, allowing marketers to tailor their messages to specific audience segments and deliver highly relevant content. Whether it’s welcoming new subscribers, nurturing leads through the sales funnel, or re-engaging dormant customers, email marketing offers a wide range of opportunities to connect with customers at every stage of the customer journey.

Furthermore, email marketing enables marketers to reach a wide audience with minimal effort and resources. With advanced automation tools, marketers can set up automated email sequences, drip campaigns, and triggered emails to deliver timely and relevant messages to their audience without manual intervention. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistent communication and engagement with customers over time.

Choosing the Right Email Data Provider

When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of email marketing, selecting the appropriate email data provider is crucial. After all, the success of an email campaign hinges on the quality of the tools employed, including the marketing data and the Email Service Provider (ESP) used.

Marketers need accurate, quality data for their email campaigns to perform at their best. This means partnering with a data provider that offers up-to-date and meticulously curated consumer and business data. Accurate data ensures that your email campaigns reach the intended recipients and helps maintain a positive sender reputation, which is crucial for deliverability and inbox placement.

Additionally, marketers need an ESP that is designed for high volume email campaigns. An ESP with robust email delivery capabilities and infrastructure can ensure that your emails are delivered promptly and reliably to your audience’s inbox. Look for features such as advanced segmentation, automation, and reporting tools to streamline your email marketing efforts and maximize your campaign’s effectiveness.

By partnering with the right email data provider and ESP, marketers can lay a solid foundation for their email marketing campaigns and drive meaningful results for their business. So take the time to research and choose wisely—your email marketing success depends on it!

With Media Source Solutions’ wealth of high-quality opt-in data boasting over 500 attributes, your email campaigns are set to soar! What’s more, our in-house ESP ensures that your campaigns are not only fueled by rich, targeted data but are also optimized for high-volume third-party acquisition email deployments.

Learn more about our email activation offering >

Or get in touch to discuss your upcoming campaign >

Custom Audiences Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategies Using Your Own Customer Data

Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategies Using Your Own Customer Data

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, staying ahead is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. Today, we are excited to introduce our latest innovation: our Customer Data Platform (CDP). At the heart of our CDP lies the power of a centralized customer database. Imagine having a comprehensive view of your customer base, all in one place. Our platform allows you to aggregate data from various sources, providing a holistic understanding of your audience.

Unlocking the Power of Centralized Customer Data

One of the key challenges faced by marketers is the fragmentation of customer data across various systems and channels. According to Lytics, 92% of senior marketing executives believe first-party data is more valuable than ever due to impending the demise of third-party cookies but 71% of brand managers have difficulty maintaining an accurate customer profile over time.

Our new CDP serves as a centralized repository, bringing together online and offline data, including operational data (POS, eCommerce, order management), marketing execution data (ESP, SMS, web personalization) and marketing activation data (search, social, display), to help you gain insights into your best customers.

Crafting In-Depth Customer Personas

Understanding your customers is the cornerstone of effective marketing. With our CDP, you can delve deep into customer profiles, analyzing their demographic makeup and uncovering valuable insights into their interests and preferences. This ability to create detailed customer personas provides a roadmap for personalized and targeted marketing strategies.

Activating Lookalike Audiences with Precision

Building on the foundation of detailed customer personas, our CDP takes it a step further with the implementation of lookalike models. By identifying your “best customers” based on specific criteria, our platform uses this information to create lookalike audiences. This feature allows you to extend your reach and engage with potential customers who share similarities with your most valuable clientele.

Multi-Channel Activation for Maximum Impact

The modern consumer is connected across various channels, and marketing efforts need to reflect this. Our CDP facilitates the activation of lookalike audiences seamlessly across a wide array of channels, including email, Connected TV (CTV), social media, display ads, mobile platforms, telemarketing, direct mail, and other digital channels. This multi-channel approach ensures that your message reaches the right audience at the right time, maximizing the impact of your campaigns.

Elevate Your Marketing Game with Our CDP

Our new Customer Data Platform is more than just a tool – it’s a catalyst for transformative marketing success. By providing a centralized hub for customer data, enabling persona creation, and facilitating the activation of lookalike audiences across multiple channels, our CDP equips businesses with the tools they need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Elevate your marketing game, and let our CDP be the driving force behind your next wave of success. Learn more and speak to us today about your data needs.

Custom Audiences Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

Media Source Solutions now partnered with 123Push on their email and postal database​

Media Source Solutions now partnered with 123Push on their email and postal database

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news at Media Source Solutions – we have officially partnered with 123Push to elevate their email and postal solutions to new heights! This collaboration solidifies our joint dedication to providing precise, top-notch postal and email consumer and business data. It’s a commitment tailored for brands, agencies, and fellow direct mail marketers in search of tried-and-true responder data segments.

What does this collaboration mean for marketers?

123Push boasts a state-of-the-art, in-house ESP that takes their email campaigns to the next level, ensuring precision and optimization. The segments Media Source Solutions has been chosen to manage include demographic audiences, such as:

  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Homeowner Status
  • Household Income
  • Gender
  • Geography
  • Marital Status
  • Presence of Children
  • Pet Owner

In addition to our demographic audiences, Media Source Solutions also has CTV and gamer audiences available with 123Push:

  • 123PUSH Optimized for CTV Life Events – Job Seekers

Ideal for marketers looking to market on CTV as well as email and postal, this segment enables you to reach new college graduates looking for work as well as seasoned professionals looking for their next career move.

  • 123PUSH Optimized for CTV Life Events – Adult Children Leaving Parents’ Home

This segment contains consumers who spend an average of 3 days a week, with an average age of 33 who play video games for 8 hours at a time. As they make plans to leave their parents’ home, they are open to a range of offers including home furnishings, home security, insurance and broadband.

Why Media Source Solutions?

At Media Source Solutions we specialize in email list management, hygiene, and optimization. By partnering with Media Source Solutions, the 123Push solution is enhanced through email marketing services, affording clients cleaner, more accurate email lists, resulting in improved deliverability and engagement rates.

With 20+ years in the business, we know good data at Media Source Solutions. Our demographic data quality is regularly validated by independent data evaluator, Truthset, and is found to rank no.1 across a variety of data segments.

Get ready for cleaner, quality data with impressive deliverability and engagement rates. For more information, get in touch via

Custom Audiences Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

Unlocking Success: Fair Lending Friendly Audiences in Your Marketing Campaigns

Unlocking Success: Fair Lending Friendly Audiences in Your Marketing Campaigns

In today’s digital age, marketers are constantly striving to target the right audience with precision and compliance, especially when it comes to financial services and lending. Meeting the requirements of fair lending laws can be a challenging task, but it’s a crucial one. Failure to do so can result in serious legal repercussions and damage to your brand’s reputation. Luckily, we have the solution for you: Fair Lending Friendly Audiences.

What are fair lending laws?

Federal fair lending laws, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Fair Housing Act, prohibit discrimination based on factors such as race, age, gender, ethnicity, marital status or other protected characteristics in credit transactions.

The challenge lies in striking a balance between compliance and achieving your marketing objectives effectively. Advertisers often find themselves navigating this delicate tightrope walk, searching for the right audience segments that fulfill fair lending requirements without compromising campaign performance.

What Are Fair Lending Friendly Audiences?

At Media Source Solutions, we understand the complexities of fair lending compliance and the importance of reaching the right audiences. That’s why we’ve developed Fair Lending Friendly Audiences.

Fair Lending Friendly Audiences are pre-built audience segments that are fully FLA-approved. These meticulously curated audience groups adhere to guidelines, ensuring that your marketing campaigns are both compliant and effective. 

Benefits of Using Fair Lending Friendly Audiences

  1. Compliance Assurance: Our Fair Lending Friendly Audiences guarantee compliance with fair lending laws, reducing the risk of potential legal issues and ensuring that your marketing campaigns are ethically sound.
  2. Omnipresence Across Channels: These audiences are omnichannel, meaning they can be seamlessly integrated into various marketing channels, including direct mail, email, mobile, social media, display advertising, Connected TV (CTV), and more. This versatility allows you to engage your target audience wherever they are most active.
  3. Enhanced Prospecting and Customer Reactivation: Whether you’re looking to acquire new customers or re-engage existing ones, Fair Lending Friendly Audiences provide the ideal foundation for prospecting and reactivation campaigns.

Our Comprehensive Fair Lending Friendly Audiences

Our audiences cover a range of niches and interests, ensuring you have the flexibility to tailor your campaigns to specific consumer groups. Some of our audience categories include:

  1. Automotive Offers: Target consumers looking for auto loans and related services while staying FLA-compliant.
  2. College Student Credit Offers: Connect with college students seeking credit solutions, ensuring fair lending practices.
  3. Home Décor & Garden Offers: Engage homeowners and garden enthusiasts looking for financing options.
  4. Travel Offers: Capture the attention of travel enthusiasts, offering them the financial support they need for their adventures.

In a world where regulatory compliance is paramount, our Fair Lending Friendly Audiences audiences not only help you navigate the intricate landscape of fair lending laws but also empower you to create targeted, engaging marketing campaigns across various channels.

Contact us today to learn more about how Fair Lending Friendly Audiences can elevate your brand’s impact while maintaining the highest ethical standards.

Custom Audiences Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

Spring Into The New Season

Spring Into The New Season

As winter fades and spring emerges, many people embrace the annual ritual of spring cleaning. This is a time when people purge their homes of clutter, refresh their living spaces, beautify their gardens and prepare for the warm months ahead. According to a report by Nielsen, there is a notable increase in cleaning product sales in the spring months in the United States. The report states that sales of household cleaning products increase by an average of 7% in March compared to February, and by 11% in April compared to February.

For marketers, this season represents a time of renewal and rejuvenation, making it an ideal opportunity for businesses to launch marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience. By utilizing dedicated data segments, marketers can create targeted campaigns that capitalize on the spring cleaning fervor and drive engagement and sales.

Behavioral Data – Identifying Key Consumer Trends

Behavioral data, which includes purchasing history, web browsing patterns, and social media activity, offers invaluable insights into consumer habits and preferences. Analyzing this data can reveal trends in purchasing behavior, such as increased interest in specific products or services during the spring months. 

Take a look at some of the dedicated data segments Media Source Solutions has available for your upcoming spring campaigns:

Your New Home – Time to Decorate

The first time you open the door and cross the threshold into your new home, it can evoke many different feelings. Trying to envision how to arrange furniture, color schemes, flooring, window treatments and accessories is enough to make a new movers head spin! These new movers look for interior design, landscaping and decorating ideas using catalogs or subscribing to book clubs and magazines. Take advantage of the Your New Home consumers’ known traits – credit card users, broadband subscribers, internet buyers, mail order buyers and retail buyers – to help make your next campaign a success. Learn more about this data segment >

Searched & Purchased – Home Improvement / Cleaning Tool Buyers

This file has actual buyers of cleaning product tools because as long as you have to do it, why not have the best tools to help you? All the Searched & Purchased – Home Improvement/Cleaning Tools Buyers have used their mobile devices to download a QR code, read a QR code or barcode of a variety of cleaning product tools.  Learn more about this data segment >

Broccoli, Bulbs & Blooms – The Complete Gardener

The gardeners here know to plant bulbs in the fall so they will have beautiful blooms in the spring! The Broccoli, Bulbs & Blooms Gardeners enjoy attending annual Flower Shows, Home & Garden Shows in addition to being frequent buyers at the garden centers near their homes.  Age, income, product, lifestyle and Trigger data (new phone, new home, newly issued credit cards) selects are available. Learn more about this data segment >

Alterna Holistic Healthy Gardening

Whether you want to reach the occasional indoor gardener or the avid outdoor gardener, Alterna Holistic Healthy Gardening has them all. The consumers who make up this file care about the quality of the food they eat, protecting their indoor and outdoor environments and use organic gardening techniques to produce earth friendly flowers and produce. Learn more about this data segment >

My Perfect Home

Different tastes in interior decorating help keep the home décor industry thriving! The home decorators here enjoy finding the perfect accent to turn a room from being “blah” to beautiful. The consumers who make up the My Perfect Home list look for interior design, landscaping and decorating ideas using catalogs or subscribing to book clubs and magazines. Learn more about this data segment >

Together Time – Home & Garden

The Together Time – Home & Garden consumers enjoy spending time with their families outdoors. Whether it’s planting an old-fashioned “Victory Garden” or a beautiful cutting garden for flowers, they all join in on the fun. Sourced from transactional data, this buyer/subscriber file is ideal for magazine, book, outdoor furniture, credit card and catalog offers. Learn more about this data segment >

Demographic Data – Catering to Your Audience

Understanding the demographic makeup of your target audience is crucial for creating personalized, relevant marketing campaigns. Age, gender, income, and geographic location are just a few of the key demographic data points to consider when planning your spring cleaning campaign. Utilize demographic data to create tailored messaging that speaks directly to your audience’s unique needs and interests.

Younger consumers, especially those in their 20s and 30s, tend to be more mobile and transient, making them more likely to move frequently and accumulate less clutter. They are also more likely to be renters, which means they may be more receptive to products and services that can help them quickly and easily spruce up their living spaces. For this demographic, marketing campaigns that focus on convenience, portability, and affordability can be particularly effective.

On the other hand, older consumers, especially those over 50, may be more established in their homes and communities. They are more likely to be homeowners and may have accumulated more possessions over the years. These consumers may be looking for products and services that help them manage their belongings more effectively, such as storage solutions or professional organization services. Marketing campaigns that focus on quality, durability, and long-term value can be particularly effective for this demographic.

In a recent analysis by independent data evaluator, Truthset, they yet again found our demographic data to be amongst the best in the business. Media Source Solutions recognizes how important accuracy is for marketers in their campaigns and that’s why all of our data is validated with 5+ declared touch points per record for performance & quality assurance.

Custom Segments – Reach Your Niche

Looking for something specific? We can create your perfect segment with a custom audience built solely for you. Simply provide us with a list of keywords and we will return a custom audience within 72 hours. Whatever your audience is searching for, we can identify them.

Get Started With Your Spring Campaign

Spring presents a unique opportunity for marketers to engage with consumers who are in a mindset of renewal and rebirth. By leveraging specific Media Source Solutions’ data, marketers can create targeted campaigns that resonate with consumers and drive sales. Whether it’s by targeting specific behaviors, interests or demographics, marketers can use data to create campaigns that speak directly to consumers’ needs. 

Our 3000+ pre-built segments, including demographic data, transactional data, behavioral data and location-based data, are ideal for your upcoming marketing campaigns. Whether you’re looking for direct mail, email, CTV or digital data, talk to us about your needs today.

Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

New Year’s Resolutions Audiences

New Year's Resolutions Audiences

Looking to target consumers in market for products and services related to their New Year’s Resolutions? From resolutions around weight loss and fitness, to eating healthily and stopping smoking, Media Source Solutions has the pre-built audience you need to reach consumers who will be actively searching for your product in the new year.

Resolution 1: Stop Smoking

Our audience ‘Smokers @Email Address’ is perfect for advertisers who wish to target smokers in their marketing campaigns. These consumers have responded to surveys concerning their use of tobacco products.

Universe: 3,156,400

Resolution 2: Get Fit

Try our audience ‘Color Me Pink – Women’s Health & Wellness’, which includes women who are interested in mobile exercise apps, yoga and becoming gym members as they try to find a work/life balance.

Universe: 2,850,000

Resolution 3: Eat More Healthily

Try our audience ‘Self Health and Nutritional Wellbeing’, made up of consumers who wish to eat more healthily by consuming super foods and eating a balanced diet as well as by taking nutritional supplements.

Universe: 3,900,000

Resolution 4: Lose Weight

This audience ‘Weight No More – Weight Loss Consumers’ is made up of consumers who wish to lose weight and are regularly shopping for and buying their favorite health and weight loss related products.

Universe: 2,500,000

Start Your Campaign Today

Get started with your campaign today by talking to us about your needs. Whether you’d like to try a pre-built audience or a custom audience we’re here to discuss your marketing objectives and help make that campaign a success.

Custom Audiences Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns Pre-built Audiences

Making the most of the Home-Buying Boom

Taking Advantage of the Home-Buying Boom

Spring and summer are always a traditional time for people to move but the US housing market has been experiencing a bit of a boom of late. Fueled by increased demand for space, thanks to the pandemic, as well as a buoyant job market, the median US home price for active listings grew to a record high of $405,000 in March. And according to Bill Adams, chief economist for Comerica Bank, there should still be a 10% overall increase in prices this year.

What does the upward swing in the housing market mean for marketers then? How can they take advantage of the trend? Media Source Solutions is here to explain it to you.

Targeting New Homeowners with Trigger Data

What if you could catch consumers just as they come in-market for your services? That’s the beauty of our Triggerpoint audiences. These segments are designed to enable you to reach consumers and businesses at key life stages – such as buying a new home -, ensuring whoever receives your marketing message is always in-market for your services.

Simply tell us which lifestage you’re most interested in reaching including new homeowners, new movers, pre-movers and apartment seekers. As always with all of our data, these audiences are multichannel, making them perfect for your email, direct mail, social, CTV and digital campaigns. These audiences are ideal for moving companies, broadband firms, self storage companies as well as furniture companies, interior design firms and many more.

Home Décor, Furniture & Furnishings Galore

Speaking of interior design, we have numerous pre-built audiences in this category, from our Finer Living High-End Homeowners to Prestige Home Décor Average American Buyer audience.

Moving into a new home is a life changing trigger and what better time to start over with a fresh new look? The consumers in these segments are ready to spackle, paint, carpet and tile every square inch of their homes until they achieve the results they are trying to create. Sourced from directories, new homeowner records, known subscribers, mail order buyers and home show attendees, our home décor pre-built audiences are opted-in to receive offers relating to their personal preference in home décor.

Can’t find the pre-built audience you’re looking for? Try a custom audience. With this option, marketers can be very selective about their data needs and provide us with a list of keywords that will help us to identify users who are searching for a brand, product or service of your choosing across the web. We’ll then be able to build you a custom audience within 72hrs based on your exact requirements.

Furry Friends Join the Ranks

Pets are also proving a major factor when people choose the home they want to buy. A 2021 Consumer Housing Trends Report from Zillow found that 73% of homebuyers report having at least one pet at home. Many of these prospective homebuyers are looking for homes with more space, especially as people continue to work from home along with their pets.

How can marketers reach these pet owners? Again, Media Source Solutions has the answer, with our various pre-built pet segments. Try, for example, our Pawsitively Pets – Pet Store & Catalog Buyers or our Pets Are Family – Pet Lovers audiences.

Making the Most of Soon-to-Be Families Feathering Their Nest

Another trend linked to the housing boom which may not seem so obvious is the rise in birth rate. Research from economists Michael Lovenheim and Kevin J. Mumford shows that homeowners are more likely to have children when their home value increases. And given that The New York Times found that US homeowners have gained more than $6 trillion in housing wealth during the pandemic, we should potentially be on the lookout for a rise in births.

What does this mean for marketers? At Media Source Solutions we can help marketers identify new parents as well as expanding families. Our pre-built audience The Stork Has Arrived includes consumers who buy infant clothes, books, subscribe to magazines and of course, buy toys! They also register online or at ‘bricks and mortar’ stores with their ‘wish list’ for their new baby.

Sourced from public records, co-registration sites, product registrations; self reported data, and internet registrations, take advantage of these prenatal consumers’ known traits – credit card users, broadband subscribers, internet buyers, mail order buyers and retail buyers.

Start Your Campaign Today

Get started with your campaign today by talking to us about your needs. Whether you’d like to try our triggerpoint data, a pre-built audience or a custom audience we’re here to discuss your marketing objectives and help make that campaign a success.

Custom Audiences Data Quality Pre-built Audiences

How to Get Your Advertising Advantage

How to Get Your Advertising Advantage

How satisfied are you with the quality of the marketing data you currently license from your existing data provider? According to Lotame, US marketers spend $11.9 billion in third-party audience data year on year. Yet, only 20% of marketers are confident about the accuracy of the data they buy. That means that billions of dollars could be being spent each year on data which is considered inaccurate. 

At the same time, more than 80% of marketers claim accuracy is the most important factor when buying audience data. If you count yourself as one of these marketers who prioritises data quality, what can you do to ensure the data that you’re using is indeed accurate?

Assessing the Quality of Your Provider’s Data

1. Understand Where The Data Is Sourced 

Has the data provider you’re currently working with explained where they source their data from? This could be a great indication of how accurate their data is. For example, at Media Source Solutions, our data is sourced from form fills, registrations, brand signals, online engagements and email openers. In addition to this, we only work with privacy-compliant data that is opted-in to receive third party offers. If your data provider is reluctant to share details on the source of their data, this should ring some alarm bells and prompt some follow-up questions

2. Understand What Data Hygiene Processes Are Used

What steps does your current provider take to ensure data hygiene? Do they cross-validate their data to ensure its accuracy? How many sources do they use to verify their data? At Media Source Solutions, our data is validated with 5+ declared touch points per record for performance & quality assurance.

3. Understand Their Scale

What scale does the data provider you work with claim to offer? Do the numbers make sense? For example, if your current data provider claims to have far more data for US ophthalmologists than the American Medical Association estimates, the likelihood is that the data they are providing is not all that accurate. At Media Source Solutions, we are proud to offer extensive scale – for some segments 2-3 times the scale compared to other leading providers – but we will never claim to hold more data than we actually do.

Your Advertising Advantage

If your existing data provider doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, why not try our data for your next campaign? Our data is regularly evaluated and scored by TruthSet, an independent data evaluator, and they have found it to be amongst the most accurate of leading data providers. If you’re looking to target the elusive Generation Z, for example, our data was scored 56% more accurate than the industry standard, meaning more impressions within your target audience and overall a better performing campaign.

What’s more, our ethnicity data quality earned a badge from the ANA’s AIMM for transparency in multicultural marketing and we’re a member of the TAG registry, demonstrating our commitment to combatting fraudulent & criminal activity in digital advertising. 

Using our data, you could have an advertising advantage over your competitors. Talk to us today to discuss your data needs.

CTV Marketing Direct Marketing Email Marketing Multichannel Campaigns

Every Channel Has Its Purpose

Every Channel Has Its Purpose

Recently I came across a blog post which stated that direct mail tends “to go straight into people’s trash” and is “a waste of money.” The blog post went on to advise marketers to focus on email marketing instead. Now I don’t want to suggest that there’s anything wrong with email marketing – it’s a channel that we support here at Media Source Solutions and our clients have seen a lot of success in their email campaigns. And certainly it’s true that per contact reached, direct mail campaigns will cost more than an email campaign.

But surely we shouldn’t make things so simplistic and disregard an entire marketing channel, without even considering the purpose of the campaign, the industry the brand works in and the type of audience the brand wants to reach. 

I am very much a firm believer that every channel has its purpose and the skill of the marketer is to pick and choose which channel will prove effective in their upcoming campaign. Having assisted many marketers over the years with targeted data for their multichannel marketing campaigns, these are some of the nuggets of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way.

Don’t disregard direct mail just yet

I think it was back in the late 90s when dot coms were all the rage that the phrase “direct mail is dead” started to be uttered from marketers’ lips. Email was the new fashion – Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks were at it after all – and the days of direct mail looked numbered. Ironically, email was also the saviour of direct mail. In the early 2000s, as email inboxes flooded and people’s physical mail boxes remained on the whole empty, marketers began to see an interesting trend – direct mail campaigns were performing.

Email for most marketers has now become the norm, to the extent that, receiving something through the post can be a great way to grab people’s attention. For some industries, it can also be a way to show you care. For example in B2B, yes, some lower-tier clients may only receive an email, whilst for top-tier clients, marketers may prefer a more personal touch with direct mail. The same could be said for brands in the luxury sphere.

As well as considering the industry, marketers should consider the demographics of the audience they’re trying to target. For example, consumers over the age of 65 are much more likely to respond well to a direct mail campaign. A study showed that seniors still prefer print communications even if they are becoming more comfortable with digital content. At Media Source Solutions, we’ve seen evidence of this firsthand when a direct marketing company approached us, looking to source a data file of consumers aged 45+ with an income of less $40K for a direct mail customer acquisition campaign. The campaign achieved a 3% conversion rate and due to the excellent results produced, the company continues to use our direct mail data for their campaigns.

When email marketing makes sense – and when it doesn’t

If I’ve given the impression that I’m averse to email marketing up until this point, I promise that is not the case! But it is frustrating to see email being used as a catch-all marketing channel by some marketers, with no thought as to whether it’s appropriate for the audience or the campaign objective. And of course, the more we abuse email marketing, the tougher the anti-SPAM rules will become, and the more difficult it will be to use this cost-effective and performing channel.

One of the reasons why email is so ubiquitous on the marketing plan is that it can be used at all stages of the funnel: from building brand awareness, to nurturing leads and obtaining prospects, to generating sales. For this reason, it’s perhaps best to consider when email marketing doesn’t make sense for your campaign. You have a huge number of cold prospects you want to reach and your list isn’t segmented.

While high volume email is possible, it requires help from a specialized email service provider – Mailchimp won’t suffice. In addition, working with a large amount of data that hasn’t been segmented is unlikely to result in the performance you would be looking for. High-volume email data is something we support our clients with but we would always recommend being as targeted as possible. If the client shares their campaign objective with us, we can also use behavioral targeting to ensure the consumer or business emails we provide have taken a similar action to their campaign objective recently, e.g. submitted a form.

You want to run a campaign to prospects but you only have their email address and no other data. Obviously, it’s possible to still run an email campaign in this instance but you may well find it doesn’t perform as well as you’d like. Email generally always generates higher engagement rates when marketers have enough data in order to personalize the email to the user. For example, something as simple as including the audience’s first name in the subject line can increase the open rate by 26% according to Campaign Monitor. In addition a study by Experian showed personalized emails deliver 6x higher transactional rates.

If you do find yourself in the situation where you want to run an email campaign but don’t have enough data on your audience, remember that data providers like Media Source Solutions are out there to help. Our data append service allows marketers to send us what data they do have, and specify which fields they’d like added such as name, address etc.

CTV – the new kid on the block

CTV is another channel that has received a lot of press recently. Much of this has been driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, with households spending more time at home and therefore in front of their TV. A recent Samsung study revealed that more than 60% of all viewing time in the US is now spent on streaming services.

CTV is great as it enables marketers to be much more targeted in comparison to traditional TV ads. But keep in mind that this channel is still best suited to brand awareness campaigns. Due to the simple reason that users cannot click on their TV screens, the customer conversion journey may well involve a CTV touchpoint but it will most definitely not end there – prospects will always convert using a different device.

Integrated multichannel marketing campaigns

We are big believers here at Media Source Solutions in the power of integrated multichannel marketing campaigns. That’s why we provide data from across the marketing spectrum, including: email, telephone, postal, hashed emails, cookies, IPs, MAIDs and CTV IDs. The marketing mix is a smorgasbord of channels marketers can choose from. Don’t limit yourself to just one thing from the menu.

Are you interested in making your multichannel marketing campaigns perform better via scalable and accurate data? Talk to us today to discuss your needs.

Custom Audiences Data Quality Pre-built Audiences

Missing Your Data Targets

Missing Your Data Targets?

How often do you find yourself in this situation?

You’ve planned your marketing campaign meticulously: selected your budget, marketing channels, campaign timing, messaging and offer with care, yet you still find yourself at the end of the campaign with a disappointing campaign performance and a much lower ROI than you expected.

Have you considered that the problem could lie in your marketing data?

How do you ensure the accuracy of data?

There are a number of factors which affect data accuracy. First and foremost is data recency – how recently the data you’re using has been updated. Have you ever run an email campaign with a high bounce back rate? The likelihood is you’ve been working with out-dated inaccurate data. There’s a much quoted stat which claims that up to 70% of a database can become stale within a year, especially in B2B CRMs where turnover is high. That’s why at Media Source Solutions we continuously update our audience segments.

Another factor is the reliability of your data source. You want to be working with data that has been verified for its accuracy. Here at Media Source Solutions, our data is sourced from purchases, intent signals, online engagements, self-reported data, registrations and form fills. Our multi-source approach is then followed up with verification across channels for multiple touch points to ensure optimal data hygiene and accuracy.

Going hand-in-hand with reliability is data validation. Does the data provider you work with have their data validated by a third party, independent data evaluator? At Media Source Solutions we have our consumer data validated by Truthset so that we when we claim our data is accurate we can be absolutely sure that is indeed the case!

How to Improve your Marketing ROI

In Truthset’s Q4 2020 report, Media Source Solutions performed extremely well in a variety of demographic categories, particularly for its age, ethnicity, income and location data. For example, if you’re looking to target males aged 18-24 for your marketing campaign, that particular Media Source Solutions segment was given a Truthset score of 195, meaning that according to Truthset we are 95% better than average at identifying people with those demographic attributes.

What does that mean in real terms for your ROI? If you were running a marketing campaign using data from other providers you might well find that you’d be reaching people outside of your target market who were either not eligible for your offer or not interested. With Media Source Solutions on the other hand, you’d be working with extremely accurate consumer data and would be 95% more likely to reach your ROI goal based on your data quality.

The Importance of Data Accuracy

We understand the importance of data accuracy in marketing campaigns and we want to ensure you do too! That’s why we’re putting our money where our mouth is and offering flat rate pricing or 50% discount on all segments for 90 days.

See your ROI increase before your eyes and hit your targets this year with our accurate data.

Learn more about our data accuracy >